Original Season: Fresh Meat
Previous Challenges: Fresh Meat, The Inferno 3*, The Gauntlet III, The Island*
This militant lesbian has to be the most feared woman in Challenge history, probably because the other girls think that she’ll beat them up once the cameras are turned the other way. Her debut on Fresh Meat was inauspicious; she and Danny were the first couple eliminated. However, since that time she has dominated, reaching the end of all the other challenges she has participated in and winning 2. Evelyn is a cold hearted bitch who loves money and nothing else, and will not let anything get in her way, be it Eric’s continued existence on this planet or her tremendous hatred for Johnny Bananas.
Prediction: Evelyn makes it to the final but burns at least a dozen bridges along the way.

Original Season: Road Rules X-Treme
Previous Challenges: The Gauntlet 2*
To call Ibis a veteran would be a bit of an exaggeration; while she was on the winning squad of The Gauntlet 2, that was her first career challenge and the jury’s still out as to her ability. MTV says she recently earned a Masters, so her book smarts are evident. What remains to be seen is why she came back to the Challenge when she could have gotten a real job.
Prediction: An early return to academia.

Original Season: Road Rules The Quest
Previous Challenges: The Gauntlet, The Inferno*, Battle of the Sexes 2, The Gauntlet 2, Fresh Meat, The Gauntlet III, The Duel 2
Ohhh, Katie. Tied with Derrick, Tonya and Veronica for the most previous challenges under her belt, Katie is still better known for being a total nutbar than for actually winning. I was shocked to see her on the Champions squad; I expect even she forgot that she won The Inferno 5 years ago. Katie’s limited athletic ability and fondness for smoking tend to lead to a weak reputation among the girls, but she always seems to sneak in at least 1 surprising victory before bowing out.
Prediction: At least 1 drunken wrestling match.

Original Season: Real World Austin
Previous Challenges: Fresh Meat, The Gauntlet 3*, The Island
Johanna seemed like a pretty nice girl when she was first introduced to us as part of the Real World Austin cast. But on The Island she proved herself to be a cunning player, albeit one without a trace of athletic ability. Newly free from her short-lived engagement with Wes, Johanna parlayed a budding relationship with Kenny into a role in he and Johnny’s alliance that didn’t require her to do anything but look good. Of course, it didn’t work out in the end as the fellas decided they’d rather put Ev in their boat and, you know, win, but Johanna still managed to make it to the end. We’ll see if she can spin a similar plan this year.
Prediction: A HUGE fight with Wes.

Original Season: Road Rules Down Under
Previous Challenges: Extreme Challenge, The Gauntlet 2*, The Inferno 3
I like Susie because she was on the same season of Road Rules as the indomitable “Piggie.” That said, her Challenge reputation is lacking even after 3 previous seasons. Susie evidently has returned to the books to earn a PhD in religion. And what draws grad students out of their ivory towers? Cash and booze, which The Ruins should have plenty of both of.
Prediction: A dark horse to make the final – Susie has never been eliminated early.

Original Season: Real World Chicago
Previous Challenges: Battle of the Sexes, The Gauntlet, Battle of the Sexes 2, The Inferno II, Fresh Meat, The Inferno 3*, The Island
The question had been brewing for years: Which Real World alumna would be the first to enter the world of soft-core porn? Already the odds-on favorite, Tonya became the barrier-breaker in 2007 when she appeared in an episode of “The Erotic Traveler,” one of Cinemax’s finest pieces of original programming. While her career certainly peaked with that performance, it was far from Tonya’s only outrageous moment. She has swiftly stepped into the void left by Beth’s apparent retirement and become “the girl that everyone hates before they even get to the house.” No doubt Tonya will provide us with plenty of fireworks in The Ruins.
Prediction: Okay, so this might be cheating a little because it’s in the trailer…but Tonya will apparently pop one of her breast implants during a challenge. Seriously, how is this not the #1 show on TV?

Original Season: Road Rules Semester at Sea
Previous Challenges: Challenge 2000*, Battle of the Seasons, Battle of the Sexes, The Gauntlet*, The Inferno*, Battle of the Sexes II, The Inferno II
Veronica’s greatest contribution to The Challenge has to have been inventing the concept of “I’ve been in a bunch of challenges and you haven’t, so you need to respect and fear me even though I’ve never actually demonstrated any athletic ability.” Coral may have perfected this move, but you have to give Veronica credit for coming up with it. Yet despite competing in a TON of Challenges in the early years, Veronica has been absent for some time. Will she be able to make a return to form? Or will she attempt to coast by on her reputation and not actually DO anything?
Prediction: Eliminated early by people who, she is shocked to find, don't know who she is.

Original Season:
Previous Challenges: The Gauntlet*, The Inferno*, The Inferno II*, Fresh Meat*
Prediction: Will eliminate more Challengers than any other member of the Champions team.

Original Season: Road Rules X-Treme
Previous Challenges: Battle of the Sexes 2, The Inferno II, The Gauntlet 2, Fresh Meat, The Duel, The Inferno 3*, The Island*
The Eric Vendt of The Challenge, Derrick went years without even making a final before finally reaching the top. Small in stature yet ferocious, Derrick is arguably the player that the men most fear getting into a 1-on-1 elimination with, because he NEVER QUITS. What’s more, he plays the game with honor, refusing to stoop to the level of also-rans like Johnny Bananas, his boatmate on The Island. People go out of their way to praise his abilities, but is time beginning to pass this veteran by?
Prediction: Another season of domination.

Original Season: Fresh Meat
Previous Challenges: Fresh Meat
This Canadian Man-Beast finally broke through in The Duel 2 after several seasons of dissapointment. Evan had long been viewed as the man to beat, ever since he and Coral dominated the early rounds of Fresh Meat. But various untimely injuries and small mental errors kept him from the victory stand. However, it all came together in New Zealand as he was able to take a split-second victory over Brad in the final to claim $100,000 - truly, it was reminiscent of the 1976 1500m Free final between Brian Goodell, Bobby Hackett and Steven Holland, aka the Greatest Race of All-Time. Despite previous declarations that he was moving on from The Challenge, Evan has returned for another run at the top.
Prediction: Your winner.

Original Season: Real World Key West
Previous Challenges: The Duel, The Inferno 3, The Gauntlet III, The Island*
Ohhhhh, Johnny! This guy came off as a decent human being in Key West; not an easy thing to do on the Real World. Of course, he may have benefitted from living with the hilarious but quite possibly evil Tyler Duckworth. But when CT decided that Johnny would serve as his sacrificial lamb in the first week of his first Challenge, something snapped and Johnny transformed himself into one of, if not the most dastardly players in Challenge history. He doesn’t have the physical gifts (or steroid sources) to dominate on the field, but Johnny lives to forge alliances. For this reason he thrived on The Island, where the actual competitions were secondary to putting together one’s boat. Will Johnny be able to steer himself to another win?
Prediction: Everyone will hate him again, including his own teammates.

Original Season: Fresh Meat
Previous Challenges: The Duel, The Inferno 3*, The Gauntlet III, The Island*
Some of the folks that MTV brought in for Fresh Meat to re-stock the pool of players from which they could draw moved on with their lives after that 1 time. Not Kenny. He has truly taken the ball and run with it, participating in every Challenge save The Duel 2 since his initial season. That's probably because this guy is, quite possibly, the dumbest man in America and has 0% chance of ever getting a real job. That kind of future is the source of the desperation necessary to become a great Challenge player. Last time around, Kenny got involved with the newly-single Johanna. The big question for Kenny going into this season: What will happen when the inevitable conflict with Wes rolls around.
Prediction: Wes tears Kenny's head clean off.

Original Season: Real World Boston
Previous Challenges: Extreme Challenge*, Battle of the Sexes, The Inferno, The Gauntlet 2
You have to love this guy, if only for the fact that he used his resemblance to Mo Vaughn to get the most lovin' of any roommate in the Boston house during his Real World run. Absent from The Challenge for a while (apparantly he didn't get the memo that you have to use 'roids to win these days), Syrus comes to Thailand as the oldest player in the cast. Will he be able to use his age to his advantage?
Prediction: Broken hip.

Original Season: Real World Austin
Previous Challenges: Fresh Meat, The Duel*
Though Wes has only participated in The Challenge twice, you could make the case that he is the greatest player in its history. In Fresh Meat he would have won had he not been saddled with Casey as a partner, and he simply dominated The Duel. During that season, he took out Derrick in probably the single greatest elimination round ever, as they battled in 'Pole Wrestle' for close to 30 minutes before Wes finally emerged triumphant. At that point we declared "the King is dead; long live the King," as it looked like Wes was set to go on an unprecedented run. But after winning the final, Wes declared that the only reason he came was to get money to marry Johanna. He hasn't been seen on The Challenge since...but Johanna has - single. We can't be sure why Wes has elected to return after missing the last 4 Challenges, but one thing's for sure: He won't do it half-assed.
Prediction: The only man who can take out Evan...except they're on the same team. In other words, total domination unless he gets sent home for killing Kenny.
The Challengers

Original Season: Real World Hollywood
Previous Challenges: Rookie
You might remember Brianna as the crazy stripper with the abusive boyfriend. This girl is built like a twig and does NOT appear to have what it takes to survivie in the dog-eat-dog world of The Challenge.
Prediction: The twig snaps, as twigs are wont to do.

Original Season: Fresh Meat
Previous Challenges: Fresh Meat, The Duel, The Gauntlet III
Casey is one of our favorites here at the 4th Major Sport. Not because she’s a good player; in fact she is almost certainly the WORST to have ever finished in the money (courtesy of Wes basically carrying her on his back for an entire season). No, we love her because she is so ridiculously afraid of heights. And because she was caught climbing naked out of Johnny Bananas’ room. And for proudly declaring that she used her 2nd place money from Fresh Meat to get breast implants. It's good to have her back!
Prediction: Cries during any/all Challenges involving heights.

Original Season: Fresh Meat
Previous Challenges: Fresh Meat, The Duel, The Gauntlet III, The Duel 2
Diem first endeared herself to the American public when she courageously competed in Fresh Meat despite a recent diagnosis of Overian cancer. She then increased our national obsession with her by coming back for The Duel after chemo, sans hair. Unfortunately she then began dating the man we love to hate, CT himself. What exactly this otherwise very nice girl saw in that douche is a mystery for the ages. Yet Diem seems to have moved on after CT hooked up with Shauvon during The Duel 2 in response to her desire to do something crazy like develop a career of some sort. Diem has historically coasted along under the radar, only to pop up every now and then and pull off an impressive performance. Will this be the season she breaks through for a win?
Prediction: Will somehow avoid the Ruins for weeks on the strength of hair flips alone.
Prediction: A backslide with Cohutta.

Original Season: Real World Hollywood
Previous Challenges: The Duel 2
Last time around, Kim destroyed Paula’s game by swooping in from out of nowhere to snatch Dunbar away from her, throwing Paula into a tailspin. This led to one of the lewdest moments in Challenge history during the Reunion, when Kim admitted that before she started pursuing Dunbar, she “didn’t like b******s, but now I like them!” Classy gal. I’m sure her parents were thrilled that she mentioned that on national television. Competition wise, Kim surprised many during The Duel 2, taking out the highly-regarded Ruthie. She will not be taken lightly this time around.
Prediction: Continues to make her parents proud.

Original Season: Real World Brooklyn
Previous Challenges: Rookie
Apparantly Sarah is the first Challenge participant to admit that she only wanted to get on the Real World so that she could later participate in the Challenge. Though we at the 4th Major Sport appreciate that somebody is finally admitting that the Real World is now basically a farm system for the Challenge, that kind of honesty won’t serve her well in this competition.
Prediction: First to go home.
Shauvon was last seen returning from the roof with CT during the premiere of The Duel 2, post coitus. This total skank has apparantly been writing a book on relationships! First lesson: Don't bang some guy on the roof of a building where 2 dozen people are living with you, including the guy's ex-girlfriend.
Prediction: Boob jokes a-plenty.

Original Season: Real World Paris
Previous Challenges: Battle of the Sexes 2, The Gauntlet 2, The Gauntlet III, The Duel 2
Adam was sadly booted off The Duel 2 before even a single challenge had taken place, but his fight with CT has to go down as the single greatest confrontation in Challenge history. A 10 year history of bad blood dating back to their days as Paris roommates came to a boil as Adam finally stood up to Mr. Tamburello. Unfortunately he almost had his head taken off as a result and ran away in his PJs. Adam may not have won any money in The Duel 2, but his sudden growth of a spine makes him a slightly more formidable player. But then again he still weighs about 120 lbs. soaking wet.
Prediction: As in his freestyle rap in Paris, Adam will continue to "not hide from [his] family pride!"

Original Season: Real World San Diego
Previous Challenges: Battle of the Sexes 2, The Inferno II, The Gauntlet 2, The Duel, The Gauntlet III, The Duel 2
Prediction: Leads the Challenger team valiently but ultimately comes up short yet again.

Original Season: Real World Sydney
Previous Challenges:
The most country-fried of all Challenge players, Cohutta has yet to advance very far in the competition. Consensus is that he's a hell of a nice guy, but he has yet to jump on board with the 'roids and make himself a viable challenger. It could be that he's just in it for the good times and the ladies. Frankly, that's OK with us.
Prediction: That deep Georgia accent gets him plenty of tail.
When we last saw Chet, he was on the Real World desperately trying to convince everyone that he's not gay. Granted, I tell everyone the same thing when I am too chicken to kiss a girl at the end of a date, but the difference between Chet and I is that I don't wear SCARVES on said date. You can't really blame Chet, though, as he is a Mormon and would probably be shot if he came out.
Prediction: Chet will get nervous when he looks around and realizes that nobody else is the token gay guy.

Original Season: Real World Austin
Previous Challenges: Fresh Meat, The Inferno III, The Gauntlet 3
Danny is a classic Mass-hole, and may also take credit (blame?) for introducing the Fidel Castro hat to the American viewing public. Somehow this jackass showed up in Austin and was able to sweep the lovely Melinda off her feet, and eventually get her to marry him. Huh? Did I miss something? This guy is a total douche! Danny was also one of the first Challenge players to respond to an early elimination in his rookie season by…well…going out and getting a bunch of steroids. Seriously, this guy put on about 100 lbs. of pure muscle after Fresh Meat. And he became even more likely to fly off the handle over any little thing. Where I come from, we call that ‘roid-rage, but in the Challenge that’s just getting on an even playing field with the rest of these freaks of nature.
Prediction: Gets made fun of for his bacne and then breaks something.
It's really fortuitous that Dunbar's name is so close to the word nutbar, because that's what he is. He'll just chill out for a while and then, BOOM, he'll fly off the handle about who-knows-what. Yet somehow this kook has been acknowledged by many of the females as the most desirable man in The Challenge. I guess there's no accounting for taste.
Prediction: Kicked off after a destructive outburst based on someone putting a red sock in a load of his whites.

Original Season: Real World Hollywood
Previous Challenges: The Duel 2
Nick was summarily booted off The Duel 2 in the first round, failing to realize that rookies are ganged up on in this sport as in no other. And to be honest I really have no other memory of him from that Challenge or from his late-arrival to the Real World.
Prediction: Improves on his first Challenge…but how could he not?
Your Host

Previous Challenges: The Gauntlet II, Fresh Meat, The Duel, The Inferno III, The Gauntlet 3, The Island, The Duel 2
Evidently TJ Lavin is some kind of BMX bike rider. I wouldn’t know because it seems to me that all he does is host season after season of The Challenge. Remember when Johnny Mosely was the host? Or Dave Mirra? I didn’t think so, because TJ has so completely taken over the role that it’s difficult to imagine the days when somebody else filled the position.
Prediction: TJ will tell everyone that they "killed it."
Prediction: TJ will tell everyone that they "killed it."
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